Thursday, December 8, 2011

Super Tard Powers

Here is a funny story from 4-Chan:

In elementary school, there was this tard named Justin or something stupid like that. He was fairly harmless, but so damn gullible. I in particular liked to fuck with him. I managed to convince him that he'd float into space if he didn't put rocks in his pocket. I remember me just laughing my ass off as he frantically shoved gravel and sand into his pockets. Another time some friends and I managed to convince him if he ate a caterpillar, he'd get super speed. You know how a tard runs, clumpy and slow with their arms out like they're trying to fly? That's what he was doing, while we were all cheering and acting amazed and impressed with his 'super powers'. The last major time I messed with him was when I noticed a big rock sticking partially out of the ground. I got Justin and managed to convince him it was a dinosaur bone. He got all the other tards to help him dig it up. This went on for about a week or so before the teacher decided to come investigate the quiet congregation of tards. She talked to Justin, saying they couldn't play in the dirt. He threw his plastic spoon he had been digging with and threw a loud tantrum. Stomping, screaming, and throwing stuff while his tard friends blankly stared. The teachers had to drag him inside.Pic related, Justin was fuckin terrified of snakes.

1 comment:

  1. One of the few times that I was anywhere near 'speddies' in my school career, because that day I'd been particularly bored out of my mind by the useless garbage they were 'teaching' me that day I decided to try and convince a girl a couple years younger than me (IIRC) that the book she was checking out had real magic and would turn her into a toad if she returned it late. (the book was an 'adapted' version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)

    She went utterly bug-eyed with horror and begged me to write "in big-big letters on my special paper" (some kind of cartoony kiddy day-planner they made the tards carry) when it was due. I have never had to try so hard NOT to laugh in my entire lifetime.

    And by the way, your description of how tards run is absolutely dead-on, it's funny just to read!
