Thursday, October 20, 2011

Banana Ready!

This is one of my favourite retards from The min visuals on this are awesome!

A few weeks had gone by since I'd seen the homeless fap tard/Banana Ready since he wore a yellow jacket and apparently always jerks off in the lobby toilets. Hence, he was dubbed Banana Ready by my co-workers.

So on this particular day, all the parking at the front was taken since I got there an hour late because of traffic. Instead, I had to go park around back where the dumpsters were. I was getting my briefcase out of the backseat of my car when I heard some rummaging coming from a dumpster nearby. I turned around and saw it moving slightly (it was one of the dumpsters with wheels). Then, up pops the head of Banana Ready. He quickly looks around, sees me, and stares at me for a few seconds. It felt like hours. But eventually his head slowly went back into the bin.

I continued grabbing my briefcase and coat when the dumpster start to make banging noises and moved about alot. And before I knew it, Banana Ready was partially standing up (not weraing his shirt or jacket) in the dumpster trying to move it by rocking it. And sure enough, he got it to move. The entry to the back has a slope that you drive in on from the street. So, when the dumpster rocked over to the slope, gravity took over.

As it started to roll down the slope he stood up and held onto the sides. He was totally fucking naked. Then it gained speed and flew down the slope and continued onto street level. Luckily, the cars had red lights, so none were moving. So for those people in the stopped cars, they got to see a naked retard riding a dumpster across the street in front of them.

It quickly hit the curb across the street, tipped over and Banana Ready crawled out, grabbed his clothes and backpack, and took off into an alley.

I haven't seen him since and this was almost a week ago. I'm hoping he's ok. I want to see what he does next. Tomorrow I will ask some of my co-workers if they have any stories about him.

Some of you might remember my stories of Banana Ready right? Well he came back a little while ago (after the dumpster joyride incident).

>be at work on a Sunday>was in lobby talking with a few people>Banana is outside leaning against the glass>he's dirty as fuck and his yellow jacket is barely yellow because of the mud>dont think he knows people are in the lobby>starts making DURR sounds>we all stop mid conversation to listen to him>friend snickers abit>suddenly louder DURR>i laugh abit>tard turns around>sees people inside smirking at him>he mad>walks to glass doors of buildingram mode: ENGAGED
>runs at door like some kind of retarded Rhino making DURR noises>hits door and falls down>we fucking lose it and laugh>hes not moving anymore>laughing stops after a minute, we are worried he is dead>he gets back up as we approach the door like nothing even happened>he strolls off down the street, but is walking like hes drunk>we laugh again
He's done a few things before this, but I didn't think they were awesome enough to post here. This is the only really funny thing he's done sine the dumpster joyride

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