>2nd grade>tard in gr 3, this kid was like 10/10 retarded. he wore the same pair of sweatpants everyday, weighed at least 200 lbs, as wide as he was tall, and was balding. legit. there were huge patches of his tard hair missing.>this fucker peed everywhere he could.>tard pisses in boot room>more specifically, pissed inside a kids shoe>nice hammock made of blue rope in playground at school>one day tard pisses in it>whole fucking hammock smells like piss>tard trollface when school removes it
>Gr 10>best friend has fat black retarded chick named tracy on his bus>every fucking day tracy sings along to hannah montana on her fucking late 90s walkman cd player>loud and annoying as shit>whole bus throws carrots at her one day>she cries and tard rages, bus driver installs cameras>shit gets so bad driver puts in seating plan>my friend gets tracy's former seat>when bus driver tells him this he gets super pissed>DO I LOOK FAT, BLACK, OR RETARDED?>whole bus cheers
>be in gr 12>tard on my bus>favorite tard ever>short, arabic, two lazy eyes>this kid physically cannot maintain eye contact with anyone or anything>super polite but occasionally swears like a sailor so it's really funny>will laugh has ass off if you say "shit" or "fuck", thinks tourettes guy is the funniest thing ever.>obsessed with christmas>has been singing christmas carols every day on the bus since the end of september>carries around an iphone which he shows to everyone, only two things on it are national lampoons christmas vacation and tourettes guy clips>every picture on his facebook (yes, this tard has fb) is christmas related>kid has no memory; i talk to him everyday and i'm still not sure if he knows who i am>bring guitar on the bus everyday and he always asks if its a guitar>wants to be a paramedic>calls every girl he meets beautiful, honestly means it>mfw this tard is a nobler gentleman than i
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