>be 18yo senior in high school.>kinda popular whiteknight>have problems with a couple spic pieces of trash>be much bigger than them (I'm over 6ft 4in and 220lbs. not fat.) and not really worried about it>know I can take them anytime>Daniel is school tard and HUGE. Bigger than me. Really nice guy though. Very gentle. Wouldn't hurt a fly. >Daniel doesn't have normal tard problems. No outbursts, touching/groping. Real stand up guy, just slow. >Most people at school like Daniel.>I consider him a friend.>See spic trash picking on him in halls on day. Pushing him around.ohhellno.jpg
>yell at them and race down hallway.>confront spic trash>"what the fuck are you doing to my friend you wetback fucks?">"keep walking white boy.">"I don't think so. you fuck with him you fuck with me.">spic trash swings at me, step back to dodge punch and grab spic trash, spin him and smash his face into locker. breaks his nose. >Blood EVERYWHERE. >Daniel starts crying. >Leave spic trash bleeding in hallway.>Take Daniel by arm and walk him to class>Tells me he doesn't want people to get hurt because of himtell him it's not his fault, spic trash had it coming, was trying to hurt my friend, tried to hurt me.
>Commence tard bearhug.>3 days later get jumped coming down stairs.>Spic trash again out for revenge.>Tells me I broke his nose, now he's gonna kill me.>I laugh.>Spic trash friend has baseball bat.>Hits me from behind.shitjustgotreal.png
>Proceed to beat and kick the life from me>Think I'm done for.>Wrist is broken, arm is broken, ribs broken, knee shattered, blood in eyes from head wounds.>Spic trash is sitting on chest punching face. over and over.>Suddenly hear inhuman roar.>Spic trash has no time to react.>Giant angry tard levels spic trash with bat with one swing of tard arm.>Daniel is rescuing me>Grabs spic trash that's beat face in headlock from behind and jerks him off me.>Daniel pulls WAY too hard >hear wet snapping sound>spic trash goes limp in tards arms>tossed aside like rag doll>see Daniel leaning over me with tears in his eyesfinally black out
>come to in Daniel's arms as he sprint's to the office screaming for help.>Black out again come to in hospital.>Mom tells me Daniel arrested for murder.>Feel very bad for Daniel>Would be dead if not for him>Get chance to talk to cops tell them what really happened.>Said they know. Surviving spic trash fessed up.>Daniel released from jail. >All charges dropped.fuck yeah!
>Still make graduation.>In wheelchair for another 5 months though.>Daniel pushes wheelchair at graduation. >Giant tard is still my best friend 10 years later. >He still cries some times about killing someone.>knows he did the right thing though >I still walk with a limp to this day
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