There was this retard at my school in 7th grade and one day she shit her pants in the hallway and started to eat it. it was the grossest thing i have ever seen. she also used to bite huge chunks of skin off of her hands and bleed all over the place. she is the most disgusting human on earth. another retard in my school had muscular problems and couldn't control her electric wheelchair and would lean on on direction for a long time and would spin around in circles until someone stopped her. it was always funny to see that. another tard in my school used to flip out and beat people up when they called him joseph. he used to kick the shit out of tons of kids until someone beat his face into oblivion. that was in 7th grade and i haven't seen that kid since.
one of my friends has a job at a center that helps tards find jobs and help they function in society and stuff. he has tons of stories about the tards.
There's this retard named Paulette. It is about 5'3 and morbidly obese like there's no tommorow. It can't really walk because it had a stroke that paralysed the left side of er body. She's deaf and screams like she'S bein raped constantly. It cant speak. It sits in it'S own feces everyday because its too retarded to know any better and then the shit gets in er crotcha nd gives her utis and shit. unreal. it only wants coffee all the me and will bite aniggfucker till she gets fed. unreal. in what world was this baby allowed to survive. i call her lookadit because i cant look at it. it has agoatee and hai everywhere. unreal. it also has a helmet that looks like leatherhead football helmets from the twenties. it slams its own head against the wall and gets constipated all the time. it wears turtlenecls. it is not alloweto jave long hair. it pees on the floor and just keeps rolling along in its custom built oversized obesit wheelchair and it screams. its a dosrespectfil ho.nslways flipping you the bird and slapping its own tits. unreal.
ReplyDeleteThere's this retard named Ed. It looks like Gollum and weighs 116 pounds. It survives only on tube feeding cans and goes to the hospital like 5 times a week. It vomits all over the place and then plays in it like it's motherfucking finger paint. If you let it it will pull out it's own fee ding tube. If you let it it will paint a goddamn mural for you out of it's own shit. It can't stand up so it twitches and crawls everywhere like a fuckin zombie Gollum. It poops all the time. It shreds magazines and doesn't like to be touched even though I want to drive over it all the time. It's barely human. unreal. It fucking pinches and bites and it's chok full of communicable diseases. I refuse to treat it right or take it out in public. I wear a surgeon's mask around it because it gives me the creeps. sometimes it's dick gets shit all over it and he's truing ta scrape it off like it's a fucking million dollars. creepy fucking creaturem unreal. my life is dispicable.
ReplyDeleteThere's this retard named Steven. It barely deserves a name because this is as fucking nuts as it gets. It looks like a mashup of Big fucking Bird and Peter Boyle's Young Frankenstein. It loves Barney the Dinosaur. It coos when its angry and strips it clothes off and flales its sac around. It poops and bites and eats shit like it was New York style cheesecake. Yet it lives. It lives. It makes eye contact and stalks like a retarted velocoraptor. It's a breathing three ring circus. I believe it may feed just off of livestock feed...pecking like a helpless birdmen...